Tuesday, January 19, 2010

poor uncle...

Okay.  So I just had a terrible nightmare.  Actually, the dream in it's entirety wasn't all that terrible.  But the very end, the part that woke me up, was bad.  Very very bad.

I was back at my and Tori's apartment.  A few of my out of state cousins showed up and were visiting us.  Tori loves them and looks forward to seeing them... no matter how annoying they get (darn her and her forgiving spirit).  They're closer to Tori's age than mine, so I never spent all too much time with them.  But here they were, sitting in our living room making polite conversation.  Then their father shows up.  My aunt is no longer married to this man for very very good reasons.  I don't know details; I don't want to know details.  In fact, I can't remember the last time this man even crossed my mind.  Until this morning.

I don't remember what I did to make him mad, but I did something.  He suddenly yelled at me, grabbed me by my arm, and started dragging me through the hallway.  I started yelling "NO! NO! NO! NO!" as loud as I possible could because that's what my self defense class taught me.  I tried to hammerfist his arm... he was too far behind me.  When I tried to kick between his legs he stepped backwards.  Everything I tried he anticipated and continued to drag me down the apartment complex's hall.  The worst part?  THere were tons of girls outside and none of them did anything.  They just watched.  I told myself "Scream 'I'm getting attacked!' or something!!"  But everytime I tried a full sentence I had no breath.

Eventually one of my teachers saw this and tackled him to the ground in her knee length pencil skirt.  Tori came to her office to pick me up and fill out some paperwork.  I sobbed as I told her what happened and she calmly focused her attention on the forms.  She was grinding her teeth.  Don't know how I know it, but I do.  She took my hand and walked me home, silent the whole time.

That was probably one of the least realistic and scariest dreams I've ever had.  Why didn't any of the girls help?  It was obvious that he was dragging me somewhere to do something bad.  Why didn't they DO something???

I don't know.  But now I'm going to pull out the book we used in my selfdefense class and refresh myself on all the techniques.  Because I've got the willies.....


Beth said...

If I was in your dream I would have helped.

Kacey Kate said...

I believe it. Wish you had been....:(